Friday, January 18, 2013

Opportunity Divorced? Check Your Bebo Page!

Facebook has changed into a Divorce Attorney's dream. People post on Facebook things that long ago an attorney could have gotten by hiring a private investigator. It seems today that everyone is sharing their dirty laundry in their online friends. If you are getting a Divorce or even why wouldn't you getting a Divorce take a hard look at your Facebook page. Is there anything on there that you wouldn't like your spouse, attorneys, in addition to judge to see? My basic main advice to my clients is that if you wouldn't want your mother to enjoy a book it or read with it then don't post it using a world.

If you have posts ones Facebook page about began drinking or what you are about dating then you can trust me your spouse's Divorce Attorney with regard to swoop in and listing them off. Those posts can be used evidence against you within trial. Don't forget for any friends pages either. Does Sally have a juicy photo of you out and about posted for the world to enjoy a book? If she does browsing can find it.

Many clients have testified that their pictures or you can start are private so you don't need to worry, right? Wrong! Your post and pictures may be private around the globe but you are still sharing regarding your friends. If you think they are safe you are sadly mistaken. I have seen private detectives "friend" people on different social sites to have the juicy details or standard contact people's friend lists to see if anyone has photos they would be willing to include. Remember also that it isn't just pictures that are large role. If you have told your spouse you need to be at Joe's house on Friday night what is not where you attended, you better hope with this Joe doesn't post about exactly where he was that night. Whether you are cheating or just conducting badly, attorneys are trained to find details in your life that will make you gaze the worst simply because of the judge. This is especially true where alimony and custody of youngsters are at issue.

Also be aware that Videos on YouTube, texting, dating services, voice yield, cellphones, even Global Positioning Individual receivers and E-ZPass records could gold mines of quite possibly damaging information. If you are considering getting Divorced, it 's time to start cleaning the online reputation. My tips? Shut down the Facebook and myspace, Myspace, Google+ pages and correct any photos of yourself you would rather not see as evidence in the court. If you are already taking part in a Divorce, it may be too late for just. Ethical rules sometimes require the parties to exchange info on themselves, so be sure to talk to your attorney before you now destroy documents or snap shots.

If you think your spouse may have juicy info on your sales page, be sure to allow your attorney know about it simply. Sometimes a photo can be worth a 1000 possible vocal tone.


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